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Impetigo School Sores brisbane Australia

Impetigo is a common and highly contagious bacterial skin infection that primarily affects infants and children. It can also occur in adults with compromised immune systems. 

There are two main types of impetigo:

  1. Nonbullous impetigo: This is the most common form of impetigo and is characterized by the appearance of small red sores that quickly rupture, ooze, and develop a characteristic honey-colored crust. These sores can occur anywhere on the body, but they are most commonly found around the mouth and nose.

  2. Bullous impetigo: This form is less common and is characterized by the presence of larger blisters that are filled with fluid. These blisters tend to be more resistant to rupturing and can last longer than the sores in nonbullous impetigo. Bullous impetigo typically affects the trunk of the body, diaper area, and the arms and legs.

We at Morkare Natural Clinic can help you with naturopathic and Homeopathic treatments if you are having difficulty managing Impetigo- School Sores.


1. Sores: Impetigo typically begins with red sores or blisters that quickly burst and ooze a yellowish fluid.
2. Honey-coloured crusts: After the blisters burst, they form a characteristic crust that resembles honey.
3. Itching: The affected area may be itchy.
4. Spread: Impetigo is contagious and can spread to other parts of the body or to other people through direct contact.
5. Swollen lymph nodes: In some cases, nearby lymph nodes may become swollen.
6. Fever: Occasionally, there may be a mild fever.


Investigating impetigo typically involves a healthcare provider examining the affected skin and considering the patient’s medical history. Here’s how impetigo is identified:

1. Physical Examination: The healthcare provider will inspect the affected skin. They’ll look for the characteristic symptoms such as red sores, honey-colored crusts, or blisters.

2. Medical History: The doctor may ask about the patient’s medical history to understand any recent skin injuries, insect bites, or exposure to individuals with impetigo.

3. Bacterial Culture: In some cases, a sample of the fluid from the sores may be collected and sent for a bacterial culture. This helps identify the specific bacteria causing the infection and determine if antibiotics will be most effective.

The identification is generally straightforward based on the visual examination, but the bacterial culture can be done to confirm the specific bacteria involved and guide treatment. If you suspect impetigo, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Impetigo is primarily caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria, which can enter the body through cuts, insect bites, or existing skin conditions. Impetigo is highly contagious and can spread through direct contact with an infected individual or with items that have come into contact with the sores, such as clothing, towels, and bed linens. Scratching the affected areas can also contribute to the spread of the infection to other parts of the body.

How our expert team of Naturopaths and Homeopaths can help manage Impetigo- School Sores

1. Nutrition and Diet: A focus on promoting overall health through diet. We may recommend a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants to support the immune system. Specific foods and supplements that are believed to have antibacterial properties may be suggested.

2. Herbal Remedies: Naturopaths may recommend topical herbal remedies, such as Calendula or Myrrh, which are thought to have natural antibacterial properties. These can be used alongside prescribed antibiotics.

3. Hygiene and Skin Care: We may emphasise good hygiene practices, such as using gentle, natural soaps and avoiding harsh chemicals that could irritate the skin. Keeping the affected area clean is important.

4. Probiotics: We may suggest probiotic supplements to help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which can indirectly support the immune system.

5. Homeopathic Remedies: We can also prepare appropriate homeopathic remedies to assist with impetigo healing. 


If you would like support with managing impetigo- school sores please book an appointment with one of our nutritionists, naturopaths, or homeopaths to discuss the appropriate treatment for you. 

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