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Iron Deficiency: Boost Your Energy Levels with Brisbane Naturopaths

Feeling tired, pale, and lacking in energy? You might be suffering from iron deficiency, a common health concern, especially for women and vegetarians.

Iron is a vital mineral that carries oxygen throughout your body, fueling your energy production. When iron levels drop, fatigue, weakness, and difficulty concentrating become common.

Morkare Natural Clinic in Brisbane can help! Our experienced naturopaths specialize in addressing iron deficiency and restoring your energy naturally.

Here’s what you’ll find in this guide:

  • Understanding Iron Deficiency: Learn the symptoms, causes, and why vegetarians and vegans are more at risk.
  • Iron Rich Foods: Discover the best dietary sources of iron for both meat-eaters and plant-based individuals.
  • Optimizing Iron Absorption: Learn helpful tips to maximize the iron your body absorbs from food and supplements.
  • Dietary Strategies: Access a specialized iron-rich meal plan designed by our naturopaths (link included!).
  • Naturopathic Support in Brisbane: Discover how our Brisbane naturopaths can guide you towards optimal iron levels and vibrant health.
Iron levels in the body for Brisbane Naturopath




Recommended intake


Recommended intake

Pregnancy (P) + Lactation (L)


0.2mg (AI)

0.2mg (AI)





















27mg (P)

10mg (L)




27mg (P)

9mg (L)





Iron Deficiency: The Basics

Iron deficiency is a condition where your body doesn’t have enough iron to produce healthy red blood cells. These red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body, and when iron is low, oxygen delivery is compromised, leading to fatigue and other symptoms.

Signs of Iron Deficiency:

  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Pale skin and fingernails
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Increased risk of infection

Are You At Risk?

  • Women: Particularly during pregnancy and menstruation
  • Vegetarians and Vegans: Plant-based iron (non-heme iron) is less readily absorbed than animal-based iron (heme iron).
  • People with certain gut conditions: Conditions like Crohn’s disease can affect iron absorption.
  • Individuals with heavy blood loss: This can include heavy menstrual bleeding or internal bleeding.

Sources of Iron (vegetarian)

If you are vegetarian or vegan your need for iron may be a lot higher. This is because the iron found in meat sources (haem iron) is much easier to digest and absorb than the iron found in plants (non-haem iron). See below information on absorption, to see how you can get the most iron out of your food!

  • Molasses, 100g = 4.7m
  • Kidney beans, 1 cup = 3.1mg
  • Green lentils, 1 cup = 3mg
  • Tofu, 100g = 2.96mg
  • Chickpeas, 1 cup = 2.7mg
  • Cooked wholemeal pasta, 1 cup = 2.3mg
  • Cashews, 30g/20 nuts = 1.5mg
  • Raw spinach, 1 cup = 1.2mg
  • Almonds, 30g = 1.1mg
  • Dried apricot, 30g/5 apricots = 0.93mg

Sources of Iron (animal)

  • Chicken liver, 100g = 11mg
  • Beef, 100g = 3.5mg
  • Kangaroo, 100g = 3.2mg
  • Lamb, 100g = 2.5mg
  • Salmon, 100g = 1.28mg
  • Tinned tuna, 100g = 1.07mg
  • Pork, 100g = 0.8mg
  • Chicken, 100g = 0.4mg


Good gut health and digestion is essential for iron absorption. Addressing gut health may assist in long term solutions for iron deficiency. There are some tips to remember to make sure you are benefitting as much as you can from your iron supplements.

  • Take vitamin C with your iron supplement/foods
  • Squeeze apple cider vinegar and/or lemon juice on iron source foods
  • Cooking plant-based foods, will help improve the amount of available iron 
  • Take your iron tablet away from tea and coffee – best just before bed
  • Take your iron tablet while eating an iron source meal
  • Take your iron tablet away from other tablets such as Calcium, Zinc etc.

Dietary Strategies for Iron Deficiency

Morkare Natural Clinic’s Iron-Rich Meal Plan: This plan (link included) provides delicious and nutritious recipes packed with iron to help you combat deficiency naturally.

Naturopathic Support in Brisbane

Our Brisbane naturopaths offer personalized guidance to assess your iron levels, identify underlying causes of deficiency, and recommend natural approaches for optimal iron absorption and overall well-being.

We can help you:

  • Develop a personalized dietary plan rich in iron-boosting foods.
  • Recommend gentle supplements if needed.
  • Address gut health issues that may be impacting iron absorption.
  • Provide ongoing support to help you achieve and maintain healthy iron levels.

Don’t let iron deficiency steal your energy!

Contact Morkare Natural Clinic in Brisbane today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced naturopaths. We’ll work with you to create a personalized plan to restore your iron levels and help you feel energized and vibrant again.

Call us today on 07 3172 5035 or book online!