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At Morkare we work as a team. When you come in for the first appointment, the practitioner will assess your needs and put you on a treatment plan that may involve more than one therapy in order to get the best results for you. No matter what your health concern is, you’ll get the combined expertise of a naturopath, nutritionist and homeopath on your side!
All practitioners at Morkare work as a team to support your overall wellbeing. We have more than one therapy to offer in order to meet your health goals. Depending on the condition and health goals you may or may not see more than one practitioner. We always have your best interests in mind and are open to your suggestions.
At Morkare we often see and have a lot of experience in supporting women’s and children’s health, but we welcome all members of the family in our clinic!
This depends on you. We could be seeing you for some acute support, where you may only need one appointment. If your condition requires more ongoing, considered support we can arrange as many follow-ups as you need. We offer programs and packages in order to attend to your needs without burning your pockets. You could continue to receive repeat medications and over the counter remedies from us without consultations too.
We care for your health and take the time to listen to your health needs. We tailor your treatment plan for you based on your requirements. We believe it’s important to work on the underlying cause in order to heal more effectively. We inform and share infographics and reports with you so you also can track and understand how and why you feel the way you do. We study your blood test results, organise tests for you which confirm the diagnosis and have in depth understanding of your health. In each consultation you will receive a holistic plan working from the underlying cause and understanding what your body needs.
You do not need a referral from a GP or specialist.
In order to understand your health condition better, please bring in all the blood results, scans or relavant testing you may have had for that condition. Please make sure you have filled out the client intake form prior to your first appointment. The form will be emailed to you when your appointment is confirmed.
Yes! You can book the appointment via the Book now button and email us to request it to be an online or phone appointment. We will send you the link to join online prior to the appointment. If its a phone appointment, the therapist will call you provided it’s in Australia.
We will send you the link to your video chat prior to the appointment. We use a video chat software that’s integrated to our patient management system called Cliniko. You do not need to download anything additional for that. Make sure your computer / phone has a good camera and mic system.
We offer a variety of test based on your health requirements. Some tests are done in-house and some we refer to external laboratories. Food IgG tests, urine Heavy Metal test, and Mood appraisals are done in-house. We refer to laboratories such as Nutripath for Adrenal, Female Hormones, Allergy and other testing if required. We also refer to Interclinical Labs for testing for Hair Mineral Analysis.
Although Naturopathy were excluded from Private Health Funds since 2019, some major health funds still do cover our service under Nutrition. We highly recommend you contacting your health insurance company to confirm if they cover nutrition as part of your package. We can provide you our registration number when you are invoiced and you can directly claim through your company.
Our services are in high demand and get booked weeks or months in advance. In order to make sure we are accommodating our clients, we maintain a strict 24 hour cancellation policy. We send out email reminders for appointments 48 hours before as well. If you have missed an appointment and have not informed us on time, we send out an email letting you know that you have missed an appointment. Sadly, it also means that someone else who may have wanted to come on that time has also missed out on an opportunity. If you wish to rebook another appointment after a missed appointment, we may request for upfront payment for that appointment.
We provide a wide range of nutritional supplements, naturopathic herbs, and homeopathic range. We blend and make our own homeopathic remedies and some are available over the counter through
At Morkare we provide natural and complementary medicines. We request you inform us of any medications or supplements you are on before prescribing our remedies. We do not ask you to stop or change medications that are prescribed by your medical practitioner or any other therapist. We compliment the service or treatment by providing natural solutions. Hence you can continue taking our remedies along with conventional medication.
Although it may be unlikely for you to develop side effects to our medication, we keep in mind that everyone is different. We do see many patients who are sensitive to medications and hence we prescribe single simple doses. We do not over prescribe and in cases of sensitivity, we start with minimal dosage. Despite that, in case you develop any unwanted symptom, please email/ phone us straight away and we will guide you accordingly.
At Morkare we prescribe based on your health needs and will prescribe remedies keeping in mind special needs such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and vegan etc.
Our Homeopathic and Nutritional range of supplements are tailored to children and infant needs and are specially made for them.
Morkare has parking facilities on site. Logan road, just in front of the clinic, is free to park from 9 am onwards.
We have a wide range of Homeopathic pharmacy containing more than 500 remedies. We mix, blend and provide most of the remedies based on your health needs. We prescribe remedies that we stock mainly. We may prescribe or advise some remedies that are available over the counter in pharmacies or health food shops if required.
Start your journey

Feel vital with restored wellbeing and balance.