“Is your baby’s nighttime crying keeping you up all night? Are you wondering if your child is teething? If so, here are some signs and symptoms to look out for.”
What is Teething?
Teething, a natural milestone in a baby’s development, can be a challenging time for both infants and their parents. As the first teeth emerge through a baby’s delicate gums, discomfort and irritability often become the norm. However, with a comprehensive understanding of teething and its associated symptoms, parents can effectively manage this phase and provide their little ones with the comfort and support they need.
When does Teething start?
The timing of teething varies from child to child, but it typically commences between three and seven months of age. During this period, the first teeth, usually the lower front incisors, begin to push through the gums. Within the following months, the upper front incisors typically emerge, followed by other teeth in a sequential pattern.
In rare instances, some babies are born with one or two teeth, known as natal teeth. These teeth typically erupt within the first few weeks of life. While the exact timing of teething is unpredictable, any significant delay beyond 12 months warrants consultation with a healthcare professional.
We have a natural treatment to manage teething with the help of our Naturopaths, Nutritionists, and Homeopaths.
Symptoms of Teething:
Although teething is a natural process, it can cause discomfort and distress for some babies. The inflammation that occurs during teething can manifest in various symptoms, including:
- Red and swollen gums: The gums become noticeably red and inflamed as the teeth erupt.
- Excessive drooling: Increased drooling is a common sign of teething as babies tend to produce more saliva when their gums are irritated.
- Chewing and biting: To alleviate gum discomfort, babies may incessantly chew on objects, their hands, or their fists.
- Mild fever: A slight elevation in body temperature may accompany teething.
- Irritability and fussiness: Discomfort from teething can lead to increased irritability, fussiness, and crankiness in babies.
- Sleep disturbances: Teething-related discomfort can disrupt sleep patterns, causing babies to wake up more frequently.
- Changes in appetite: Some babies may exhibit reduced appetite or show a preference for cooler or softer foods due to gum sensitivity.
How can I make the teething easier?
While teething is an inevitable part of a baby’s development, there are several measures parents can implement to alleviate discomfort and make this phase more manageable:
- Gentle gum massage: Using a clean finger, gently massage the baby’s gums to provide relief.
- Teething rings and toys: Provide safe and certified teething rings or toys that are chilled or frozen to numb the gums.
- Cool washcloth or pacifier: Offer a cool washcloth or pacifier to soothe the baby’s inflamed gums.
- Adequate hydration: Ensure the baby receives sufficient fluids to stay hydrated, especially during increased drooling.
Easing Teething Pain Naturally
At Morkare, we’ve helped countless children navigate the teething phase with ease. During this stage, babies are more prone to secondary infections such as hand, foot, and mouth disease, ear infections, and sore throats. This is because they tend to put anything in their mouths to alleviate gum discomfort.
Additionally, as the gums become inflamed, the ear canals or throat may also get inflamed, causing pain, discomfort, and sleep disturbances.
To address teething issues, we employ a four-step approach:
- Reduce Inflammation: We administer our Homeopathic Teething Drops, a carefully formulated blend of homeopathic remedies, to reduce inflammation.
- Promote Better Sleep: We enhance sleep patterns using a combination of homeopathic remedies for the child and natural remedies for breastfeeding mothers. Our popular Calm Baby remedy for kids and Calm and Balanced remedy for breastfeeding mums have proven effective in promoting healing.
- Prevent Infections: We focus on strengthening the gut and immunity of the child as well as the breastfeeding mother.
- Support the Breastfeeding Mother: We identify and address the mother’s nutrition, sleep hygiene, and immunity, as these factors have been shown to benefit both the mother and baby’s health in any inflammatory condition.